Preparing For Your Visit
You will receive multiple emails with links to complete intake and consent forms prior to your appointment. Please complete all forms before your appointment.
Please have baby ready to feed sometime within 30 minutes of when the appointment starts. Please have a flat hard surface near an outlet available for the scale.
I know it’s hard! But try to time it so baby will be ready to eat for the visit. Please make sure you haven’t pumped in the last 2 hours as well.
Please DO NOT worry and DO NOT clean for me! You just had a baby, the baby is your priority right now and it is normal that some care tasks get left undone! I am not a house guest, I am visiting to help you and your baby.
And speaking of guests, when you have a new baby house guests should all be there to help too! I guarantee you that I rushed out of my house today leaving dirty dishes everywhere, toys and crumbs on the floor and who knows what other messes!
If you use a nipple shield or a nursing pillow have them close by.
If you want to briefly look at how to use a baby carrier or wrap, have that close by too.
I have no allergies and don’t mind having pet fur on me at all! Please make sure pets are secured so we can focus on you and the baby. I understand other children may need to be present. If another adult is present that adult can take primary care of the older child. But if there isn’t anyone else home just have an activity or show ready for them to be engaged in as much as possible.
Please see the Services page for information on this. You can also see more fee information on the booking page.
I am not automatically wearing a mask at this time and I do not expect you and your family to be masked. If you would like me to wear a mask I am more than happy to do so. And, if you or anyone in your family has any cold symptoms please do wear a mask. If you or anyone in your family has a fever, has COVID, or has the flu, please reschedule.
You may be eligible for insurance reimbursement under the Affordable Care Act. Please consult your insurer for submission requirements. If you have any difficulty understanding or accessing your benefits, please consult this Toolkit created by the National Women’s Law Center.
Please cancel or reschedule as soon as you know you will not be able to keep the appointment. You can cancel or reschedule on the booking portal or you can email/text me.